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OU Launches University Management System

The University Management System (UMS) and e-Office solutions were launched by Osmania University to make administrative work easier.
OU Launches University Management System
OU Launches University Management System

On Wednesday, OU Vice-Chancellor Prof. D. Ravinder and Commissioner of Collegiate Education Navin Mittal jointly introduced the UMS and e-Office solutions. The UMS comprises over 19 modules for various administration-related processes, allowing for digital management of everything.

Student-related modules assist in keeping track of students throughout their university or college careers. These modules allow students to be informed about payments due to universities, hostels, and other entities, allowing them to make them on time from the comfort of their own home or hostel.

The other modules enable university and college administrators and faculty to manage routine duties such as student entrance in departments, student records, faculty, attendance, fees, and assignments, among others.

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"Once fully implemented, the UMS will help in ease of operations, functionality and better communication. It will also help with student, faculty, and other staff attendance monitoring, besides the implementation of the university almanac and ease of payments, finance, and tracking dues and spends," Prof. Ravinder said.

The UMS will be a single-window solution for professors to keep track of their curriculum vitae, as well as create and manage class and teaching schedules. The e-Office technology provides for the electronic and paperless disposal of files.

"The launch and implementation of UMS and e-Office by university administration is a transformative step which is going to ensure greater transparency and accountability besides saving time and reducing unnecessary paperwork," Mittal said.

Published date : 14 Oct 2021 02:00PM

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