ICAI CA December Exam 2021: Registration for all courses to reopen on Oct 11
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India will reopen the registration process for ICAI CA December Exam 2021. Candidates can apply online through the official site of ICAI on icai.org.
The link will be reopened for Final, Intermediate (IPC), Intermediate, Foundation, Post Qualification Course viz.: Insurance and Risk Management (IR) Technical Examination, International Taxation – Assessment Test (INTT-AT) and International Trade Laws and World Trade Organisaton (ITL & WTO), Part I Examination for two days from October 11 to October 12, 2021.
The Chartered Accountant December examination schedule was released in August. The examination will begin on December 5 and will end on December 20, 2021. The admit card release date will be announced later by the Institute.