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8.Human Rights

Human Rights

A. Reading:
Jamaican Fragment
A.L. Hendricks explains us about racism and equality through an incident he witnessed. As usual in his walking to the tramcar lines, he saw two boys playing. One was dark and another one is white. They both dressed in same. The white boy ordered many things, the dark boy served him.

Writer thought about the incident whole day. Why it is happened? Is it the race character? Next day he saw the same boys playing but their roles had been changed. Dark boy was ordering and white boy was serving him. Soon writer realized that as a game.

Writer realized that ‘inferiority or superiority of the races concepts’ are created by the adults. It is a foolish thing. The fact is all are equal. He observed another white man was also watching the boys. He went there and explained him about the game. The man replied "I know all about the game. They are brothers – my sons". He showed a brown woman and said "She is my wife". Soon writer realized the fact.

Education News
Be flanked by (v) : to have something on one or both sides
Sturdy (adj) : strong and healthy
Hazel (adj) : reddish/greenish brown
Imperiously (adv) : haughtily
Shuffled (v) : to walk by dragging (one's feet) slowly along
Bidding (n) : ordering
At one's beck and call : (idiom) be ready to do what someone asks
Stride (v) : to walk with long steps
Abjectly (adv) : completely without pride
Impute (v) : claim that someone has done something unjustly

Idioms and Phrases
At some one’s beck and call (idiom) : be ready to do what someone asks
Up and down (phrase) : in two directions

B. Reading:
Once Upon A Time
This is a poem by African poet Gabriel Okara. It is addressed to his son and discusses the artificiality of the present society.

He compares past to present. When he was a child people laughed with hearts but now they are laughing with their teeth. In olden days they shook hands with their hearts but now without hearts. Wearing many faces and acting according to is a social custom now.

Poet wants to unlearn all these things. So he asked his son to show him how to laugh. It is a great poem describing artificial human relations.

Education News

Cock-tail (n) : a drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks.
Conform (v) : to be and thinking the same way as most other people in a group or Society; normally acceptable
Portrait (n) : a painting, drawing or photograph of a person especially of the head and shoulders.
Good - riddance (n) : a feeling of relief when an unwanted person leaves
Muting (adj) : changing all the time; expressionless / not expressed in speech
fangs (n) : long, sharp teeth of some animals like snakes and dogs.

C. Reading:
What Is My Name?
Once, a young lady got married to a gentleman, Murthy. He showed their house. So she started cleaning, sweeping and daubing. Her husband appreciated her.

One day while daubing she got a doubt about her name. She asked her maid servant, her husband and neighbours. Nobody answered. She went to parents’ home. There she searched for her certificates to know her name. Finally by her friend she knew her name, Sarada. She comes back her home and announces that everybody should call her by name Sarada.

This is a beautiful, thought provoking story to realise self respect and self identity of a common Indian house wife.

Education News
Swab (v) : clean
Dexterous (adj) : skillful
Sumptuous (adj) : luxurious, splendid
Mopping (v) : cleaning / washing
Perturb (v) : bother / disturb / trouble
Immerse (v) : absorb oneself in something
Giggling (v) : laughing nervously
Frantically (adv) : worriedly / anxiously
Maternity home (n): house of one's parents
Parch (v) : dehydrate
Incognito (adv) : having a concealed identity
Fish (v) : search

Coarse : crude, impure, rough, unpurified
Elegant : polished, refined, graceful
Zeal : ardour, cordially, devotion, eagerness
Wail : bemoan, deplore, lament, mourn, cry, weep

Tender x hard, strong
Zeal x apathy



Summative Assessment Paper-1 13E



Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes Marks: 40

Section – A:
Reading Comprehension


(Questions 1-7): Read the following passage.
I saw it now. It was indeed a game, a game I had played as a child. Each boy took it in turn every alternate day to be the boss, the other the slave. It had been great fun to me as a youngster. I smiled as I remembered. I looked at the man standing by the gate. He was a white man. I remembered what I had thought yesterday. He, no doubt, I thought to myself, was wondering if the black race is superior to the white. I laughed gently to myself. How silly grown-ups are, how clever we are, how wonderfully able we are, to impute deep motives to childish actions! This man, I said to myself, will puzzle all day on whether the blacks will eventually rise and rule the world because he thinks he sees a little black boy realizing at a tender age his superiority over the white. I will save him his puzzle. I will explain it to him. I went across to him.

'I know what you're thinking,' I said. 'You're thinking that may be the black race is superior to the white, because you just saw the little dark youngster on the lawn ordering the little white boy around. Don't think that; it's a game they play. Alternate days one is the boss, the other the servant. It's a grand game. I used to play it and may be so did you. Yesterday I saw the little white boy bossing the dark one and I worried all day over the dark boy's realisation of his inferiority so young in life! We are silly, we grown-ups, aren't we.'?

The man was surprised at my outburst. He looked at me smiling. 'I know all about the game,' he said. 'The boys are brothers - my sons.' He pointed to a handsome brown woman on the verandah who had just come out to call in the children. 'That's my wife', he said.

I smiled. My spirit laughed within me. This is Jamaica, I said in my heart, this is my country - my people. I looked at the white man. He smiled at me. 'We'll miss the tram if we don't hurry,' he said.

Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (4x1=4 marks)





  1. What is the meaning of the word ‘impute’ in the passage?
    A. Thinking oneself
    B. Typical imagination
    C. Claim that someone has done something unjustly
    D. Logical explanation to happened things
  2. "The man was surprised at my outburst." ‘The man" means …………
    A. White man
    B. Black man
    C. Son of Black & White Couple
    D. Brown man
  3. According to the passage which race is superior?
    A. White race is superior
    B. Black race is superior
    C. No race is superior
    D. Brown race is superior
  4. How many people were mentioned in the passage?
    A. Four `
    B. Five
    C. Six
    D. Seven

    Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. (3x2=6 marks)

    5. The boys played same game in both days. What was the game? What is the difference between first day and second day?
    6. Narrator said the grownups are silly. Do you accept? Justify your answer.
    7. Do you believe White supremacy? Why or Why not?

    (Questions 8-12): Read the following poem.

    So I have learned many things, son.
    I have learned to wear many faces
    Like dresses - home face,
    Office face, street face, host face,
    Cocktail face, with all their conforming smiles
    Like a fixed portrait smile.
    And I have learned too
    To laugh with only my teeth
    And shake hands without my heart.
    I have also learned to say, 'Goodbye',
    When I mean 'Good-riddance';
    To say ' Glad to meet you',
    Without being glad; and to say 'It's been
    Nice talking to you', after being bored.
    But believe me, son.
    I want to be what I used to be
    When I was like you. I want
    To unlearn all these muting things.
    Most of all, I want to relearn
    How to laugh, for my laugh in the mirror
    Shows only my teeth like a snake's bare fangs!
    So show me, son,
    How to laugh; show me how
    I used to laugh and smile
    Once upon a time when I was like you.
    - Gabriel Okara

    Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (3x1=3 marks)
  5. Last stanza of the poem suggests …………………….
    A. hope in the future
    B. tragedy of the past
    C. a sense of loss
    D. hatred feelings
  6. Why he wants to learn from his son?
    A. because son knows how to smile
    B. son’s smile is always pure
    C. son asked him whether he wanted anything
    D. son is not corrupted by the ways of the world
  7. This poem reflects …………………..
    A. The ways of the world
    B. How to smile
    C. Artificiality of human relations
    D. Relation between father and mother

    Write answers for the given questions in one or two sentences (2x1=2 marks)
  8. Poet used ‘a simile’ in the poem. What is that? What is the contextual meaning?
  9. What did the poet learn? Now what he wants to learn?

    Section – B:

    Vocabulary & Grammar
    (Questions 13-17): Read the passage given below. Five sentences in the passage are numbered (13-17) at the beginning. Each of these sentences has an error. Correct and rewrite them in the answer booklet. (5x1=5 marks)

    But one day while scrubbing the floor, the housewife suddenly asked herself, ‘What is my name?’ (13) The query shaked her up. (14) Leaving the mopping cloth but the muggu basket there itself, she stood near the window scratching her head, lost in thoughts. ‘What is my name – What is my name?’ (15) The house along the road carried a name-board, Mrs. M.Suhasini, M.A., Ph.D., Principal, ‘X’ College. Yes, she too had a name as her neighbour did – ‘How could I forget like that? (16) In my scrubbing zeal I had forget my name – what shall I do now?’ (17) The housewife was perturbed. Her mind became totally restful. Somehow she finished her daubing for the day.

    (Questions 18-22): Complete the passage choosing the right word from those given below it. Each blank is numbered and for each blank has four choices (A), (B), (C) or (D) given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (5x1=5 marks)

    ‘Yes – I haven’t brought them here – I ……………….. (18) go to my place, search for my certificates and enquire about my name, and return in a couple of days.’ She asked for her husband’s permission. ‘Very nice! Must you go just for your name or what? If you go, who will scrub the house these two days?’ said her lord. Yes, that was true – because she …………………… (19) better than the others, she had not allowed anymore else to do that job all these days. Everyone was busy with their …………………. (20) respective duties. He had his office – poor things, the children had their studies to ………………………. (21) Why should they bother about this chore, and she ………………………… (22) doing it all along – they just didn’t know how to do it, of course.
  10. A. may
    B. must
    C. will
    D. shall
  11. A. cleaned
    B. mopped
    C. scrubbed
    D. daubed
  12. A. similar
    B. own
    C. different
    D. special
  13. A. take care of
    B. look after
    C. bother
    D. worry about
  14. A. have been
    B. has been
    C. had been
    D. will have been

    Section C:
    Creative Writing

    (Question 23): Read the below given conversation.
    (One winter Morning Preran went to Ashok’s house. Ashok had a dark woolen coat on.)
    Preran: When did you buy this coat, Ashok? I like the colour, but it is a little too dark.
    Ashok: I bought it last winter. Dark colour is very good for winter.
    Preran: But why do we wear dark woolen clothes in winter and light-coloured cotton clothes in summer?
    Ashok: My science teacher taught this through an experiment. I never forget that.
    Now continue the conversation
    In general students are good. But sometimes there may be few naughty students also. All the students in your class may be good. Imagine that there is a naughty student in your class. Describe any naughty student and his activities. (10 marks)

    (Question 24): Prepare 3 SMS’s on Human relations (5marks)


Paper –I



  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. As per the game; alternate days one is the boss, the other is the servant. First day white boy acted as boss and dark boy acted as servant. The second day dark boy played boss role and the white boy played servant role.
  6. Yes, I accept. Children are innocents. They perceive things as it is. Grownups think from their past experiences and feelings. So always grownups impute with their biased attitude.
  7. I don’t believe White supremacy. All are equal. According to their climate colour changes one region to another region. Superiority or inferiority of the races is a wrong notion. There is no scientific basis for that.
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. He wrote "for my laugh in the mirror - shows only my teeth like a snake’s bare fangs!" Laugh is pleasant emotion but here it is horrifying image.
  12. Poet learned the ways of the world. Wearing different faces, artificial relations and acting for others. Now he wants to learn the pure smile and pure laugh.


  13. the query shaked her up - the query shook her up
  14. the mopping cloth but the muggu basket - the mopping cloth and the muggu basket
  15. the house along the road carried - the house across the road carried
  16. I had forget my name - I have forgotten my name
  17. became totally restful - became totally restless
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C


  23. Preran: When did you buy this coat, Ashok? I like the colour, but it is a little too dark.
    Ashok: I bought it last winter. Dark colour is very good for winter.
    Preran: But why do we wear dark woolen clothes in winter and light-coloured cotton clothes in summer?
    Ashok: My science teacher taught this through an experiment. I never forget that.
    Ashok : Let us do the same experiment. First we have to take two water bottles. I will wrap the first bottle with black colour paper. You wrap the light colour paper to the second one.
    Preran : Yes I wrapped this with light colour paper.
    Ashok : Now we will take hot water in these two bottles.
    Preran : Where should we keep these bottles?
    Ashok : We have to keep these bottles outside. After 10 minutes we will check.
    Preran : Ten minutes over. Come we have to check the bottles.
    Ashok : Check the water in the bottles. Which bottles water is hot?
    Preran : Black paper wrapped bottle’s water is hot. Why?
    Ashok : Because Black paper is a dark coloured paper. It doesn’t allow inside heat to go outside.
    Preran : Oh! That means light coloured paper allowed inside heat to go out.
    Ashok : You are right.
    Preran : Can we do the same thing with cold water?
    Ashok : Why not? Give me the bottles.
    Preran : Now I will fill with cold water.
    Ashok : Keep these bottles outside.
    Preran : O.K. We will check after 10 minutes.
    Ashok : Ten minutes are over. Bring the bottles.
    Preran : I will check first. This is black paper wrapped bottle. This is light coloured paper wrapped bottle. Both are seems to be cool. But there is a slight variation.
    Ashok : What is that variation?
    Preran : Light coloured paper wrapped bottle’s water is rather cool. Why?
    Ashok : Because Black coloured paper attracted the heat from outside. So it is little warmer than other one.
    Preran : Thank you Ashok. Today you taught me many things.
    Ashok : Not many, only one thing.
    Preran : I have to go home. Bye.
    Ashok : Bye Bye.

    The Naughtiest Student
    Sheshukumar is the naughtiest boy in my class. He is a tall and lean boy with red eyes. He wears the same dress for 4, 5 days. He uses bad words. He gets last rank in studies but first in outdoor games. He gives funny answers to the teachers’ questions and receives punishment. He is always up to some mischief no matter what time of the day it may be. His main interest in coming to school is not to study but to have fun. Sheshu often gets punished and then he cries and promises never to create any mischief again.

    One day Sheshu caused a lot of trouble in our class. Our Physics teacher is a serious man. Sheshu has an exceptional degree of hatred for him. He decided to teach Physics teacher a lesson. He knew that the teacher had the habit of going to the toilet after fifteen minutes of teaching our class. So Sheshu planted Deevali cracker (Laxmi Bomb) which would blast after fifteen minutes. There was a loud band in the toilet and Physics teacher came out looking pale and scared. He had a feeling that the person who had planted the bomb belonged to our class because he could see us all sniggering and giggling. He also had a feeling that this was done by Sheshu as he was the naughtiest boy in our class. He could not point this out openly as he had no proof that Sheshu had done it.

    The next day Physics teacher punished all of us in the name of gravitation subject. Sheshu received more than all. Once Sheshu was standing and imitating all the teachers and the school Headmistress walked in. She was terribly angry and suspended him for a week.

    24. SMS
    1. Trust is the beginning of human relations. So trust others. Me too ….
    2. Trying to run an organisation without human relations is like trying to run a car without engine. How you run?
    3. When we encourage others, we also gain courage and confidence. Will you encourage me?
    4. A person who respects others is respected by others in return. Those who treat others with compassion and concern are protected and supported by others. I respect you..!
    5. It is much more valuable to look for the strengths in others, you gain nothing by criticizing.
    6. If you remain sincere in your interaction with others, you will naturally come to find yourself surrounded by good friends. I am your friend.

Summative Assessment Paper-II 14E

Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes Marks: 40

Section – A:
Reading Comprehension

(Questions 1-7): Read the following passage.
Manorama Year Book-2009
The Year of Environment
- Sunita Narain

This is the age of environment. I say this because environmental concerns – domestic and global – are defining the way of our economy and our everyday life. We know that the world is battling different but linked developments. The oil price is rising every week, crippling economic growth, as we know it and forcing governments to look for new answers to conservation. Then, prices of food are sky-rocketing, which in turn is leading to conflict in poor countries, dependent on imports. Added to these two pains is the beginning signs of climate change in many parts of the world, in the form of intensified tropical cyclones, variable and extreme weather events like heavy rains leading to floods, bitter cold spells and frost that fails crops.

The world search for answers is leading to new problems. The rising price of oil (and its politics of ownership) is leading governments to discuss the imperative of national energy security. Climate change is forcing the same issue by demanding alternatives to fossil fuel use. The answer from both fronts has been to subsidise the growing of bio-fuels – ethanol from maize and sugarcane and biodiesel from edible oil crops. The scale and pace of this change are phenomenal. In the last few years, the US alone has diverted about 20 percent of its maize crop to biodiesel, and so the price of maize has increased by 60 percent. Similarly, a European Union mandate, of a 6 percent use of bio-fuel in the transport sector by 2010, is diverting land from food to fuel and increasing volatility of the prices of oilseeds and their substitutes.

Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (4x1=4 marks)
  1. According to the passage ………………….. things are defining our economy?
    A. domestic problems
    B. environmental problems
    C. tropical cyclones
    D. sudden demand of biofuels
  2. What is the main reason for the hike of maize price in US?
    A. increase of population
    B. farmers shifted to another crop
    C. climatic conditions
    D. divertion to biodiesel
  3. What is not the appropriate reason for sudden increases of food prices?
    A. imports and exports of the nation
    B. intensified tropical cyclones
    C. bitter cold spells and frost that fails crops
    D. heavy rains leading to floods
  4. What type of text is the passage?
    A. an article
    B. an essay
    C. description
    D. message

    Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. (3x2=6 marks)
  5. Why nations are shifting from food to fuel?
  6. What happens by diverting the food crops to fuel?
  7. Write mentioned ‘This is the age of environment.’ Do you agree? Why or Why not?

    (Questions 8-12): Read the following passage.
    Speech is a great blessing, but it can also be a great curse. It helps us to make our intentions and desires known to our friends. It can also if we use it carelessly, make our attitude completely misunderstood. A slip of the tongue, the use of an unusual word or an ambiguous word, and so on, may create an enemy where we had hoped to win a friend. Again different classes of people use different vocabularies. Ordinary speech of an educated man may strike an uneducated listener as showing pride. Unwillingly we may use a word which bears a different meaning to our listener from what it does to men of our own class. Thus speech is not a gift to use lightly without thought, but one which demands careful handling. Only a fool will express himself alike to all kinds and conditions of men.

    Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet. (3x1=3 marks)
  8. What will happen if we use our speech carelessly?
    A. It will be praised
    B. It may be misunderstood
    C. It makes our intentions clear
    D. It attracts the listeners
  9. What happens if we use ambiguous word?
    A. may create a friend
    B. needs more explanation
    C. may create a bad impression about us
    D. may create an enemy
  10. Choose the correct sentence as per the passage.
    A. one should express oneself alike to all kinds of men
    B. one should express oneself alike to all conditions of men
    C. one should not express oneself to all kinds and conditions of men
    D. one should express oneself to all kinds and conditions of men
    Write answers for the given questions in one or two sentences (2x1=2 marks)
  11. Is speech a gift or curse? Justify your answer.
  12. How to use our speech to different people?


    Vocabulary and Grammar
    (Questions 13-17):
    Read the following passage given below focusing on the underlined parts and answer the questions given at the end as directed. (5x1=5 marks)

    For many Children in the city of Secunderabad who were scared of snakes, Rajkumar Kanuri helped them overcome their fear and made them understand the world of these beautiful reptiles. An ophiologist (13) Rajkumar had been studying and understanding snakes from (14) about 40 years. In his demise (15) recently India lost one of its renowned ophiologists as well as conservationist and ecologist. But his institution "Friends of Snake Society" will continue to work towards rescue (16), rehabilitation and conservation (17) of snakes. Not only did he and his team rescue snakes, they’ve also been conducting demos in schools for over two decades.
  13. Rajkumar was an ophiologist. What is the meaning of the word ‘ophiology’?
    A. catching snakes
    B. rehabilitation of snakes
    C. study of snakes
    D. conservation of snakes
  14. Use the correct form of the word.
    A. for
    B. since
    C. nearly
    D. approximately
  15. What is the meaning of the expression "In his demise"?
    A. sudden missing
    B. his death
    C. he left the profession
    D. died of snake bite
  16. Choose the appropriate synonym from the given options.
    A. catching
    B. embarrassment
    C. entanglement
    D. liberation
  17. Choose the appropriate antonym from the given options.
    A. protection
    B. creation
    C. regeneration
    D. destruction

    (Questions 18-22): Complete the passage choosing the right word from those given below it. Each blank is numbered and for each blank has four choices (A), (B), (C) or (D) given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in your answer booklet.
    (5x1=5 marks)

    The Chief Minister, K. Chnadrasekhar Rao, yesterday awarded certificates to participating schools at a function held at Keshav Memorial School to mark the end of a three-day programme on "India’s cultural heritage". Speaking ………… (18) the occasion, the Chief Minister said, "This kind of ……………. (19) event is the need of the hour. Western culture has made deep in roads into our society and we now face the danger of forgetting our culture. This should not happen. The children ……………. (20) learn about our culture and ……………. (21) right values". He was happy that schools had organized such an event. He congratulated the children on their music and dance performance and for the poster display on different aspects of Indian Culture. R. NIrmala, a student of Class IX, ……………. (22) poster was awarded the first prize said, "I made a poster showing our rich and diverse culture. This experience has helped me to understand our culture better".
  18. A. at
    B. on
    C. in
    D. over
  19. A. a
    B. an
    C. the
    D. no article
  20. A. should
    B. could
    C. would
    D. might
  21. A. teach
    B. remember
    C. take
    D. imbibe
  22. A. whom
    B. which
    C. whose
    D. where

    Section C:
    Creative Writing

    (Question 23): March 8th is celebrated as International women’s Day. Imagine that your school also celebrating the day. For that occasion prepare a speech (script) on "Woman Empowerment".
    Look at the data given in the table. Review the data. (10 marks)

    SSC Examinations Results (Regular) From March 2003 to March 2012



    No. Appeared

    No. Passed

    Pass Percentage
























































































































    (Question 24): Imagine that you are secretary for Youth Organisation. Your organisation is conducting a seminar on "National Integration". Prepare a Poster for that occasion. (5 Marks)

Paper –II


  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. A
  5. In order to meet the demand of alternatives to fossil fuels many countries concentrating on bio-fuels. They are diverting few food crops, mainly oil crops to bio-diesel.
  6. Some part of the food production may be utilized for bio-diesel. At the same time that decrease the supply and increases the demand of food. So prices of food are sky-rocketing.
  7. Yes, I accept because environmental concerns deciding the economy. Weather changes influence the food production. Again this influences imports and exports, energy crisis, and many things.
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. Speech is a gift. It helps us to make our intentions and desires known to our friends. It becomes curse when we use lightly without thought.
  12. Different classes of people use different vocabularies. One word bears a different meaning depend on the listener. So we should use speech depend on the listener’s background and his condition


  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. D
  17. D
  18. B
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. C


  23. Empowerment of Women
    Good morning, Headmaster, teachers and my dear Friends,
    Each year we celebrate International women’s Day on March 8th with a determination to commemorate the achievements of women, and to acknowledge the special status they deserve in society.

    Apart from their family roles, women are equally performing in all professions. Today women are emerging as leaders in growing range of fields, be it aeronautics, medicine, space, engineering, law, politics, education, business. You just name the profession and they are there, all that needed in today’s world is their empowerment.

    It is sad that vested interests and sick mentalities all over the world have discriminated and shown woman as the weaker gender, whereas if realities have to be seen women are much stronger.

    A mother, a sister, a wife, a daughter and a friend is as important and necessary for the functioning and propagation of the human race as is a father, a brother, a husband, a son and a friend. Society cannot function without any one of these.

    Women empowerment lies in decision-making, Sharing equal profit for their contribution, At home or in the profession or in opportunities or in government. Decision making and sharing the profit is the main criteria for empowerment. Reservation in education and employment only helps to reach that.

    We feel that laws and acts empower women. No. they just give protection. The change should come in the civil society. Real empowerment as we need it today can be brought about only if we educate ourselves and our children to respect women. The values we teach in the school, the values we follow in our lives only can change the mindset of the people. It’s an attitude, a belief, a philosophy, a way of life. It cannot be brought about by a law enforcement it has to come from within just as corruption cannot be removed by laws honesty has to come from within. The difference between law enforced empowerment and a genuine feeling of love and respect towards women is like the difference between education and literacy.

    We should not forget that history in a witness to the women who have in the past demonstrated unique leadership capabilities. Razia sultana, Rani of Jhansi, Sarojini Nidu and Indira Gandhi are motivation examples of women empowerment.

    Women are working more than 50% of food production but less than 50% of consumption. Women’s share is more than 50% wealth of the world but they have no rights.

    To conclude still a vast number of women do not have their own life choices. Give them their right. Give them their share. Give them their power. They will prove what they are!

    Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

    SSC Examinations Results (Regular) From March 2003 to March 2012

    This data gives a clear picture on SSC examinations. According to the statistics, there are up and downs in pass percentages. We can come to a conclusion that there is more than 10% increase in the decade. Three is a significant change in the data. Number of appearing students is gradually increasing. It is a positive sign of the education. In 2003 only 6,64,955 students appeared in SSC but in 2012 – 10,49,689 students appeared.

    There is not much difference between boys and girls in appearing SSC. It is 22,451 in 2003 and 25,267 in 2012. It seems the difference increased but actually the difference decreased as per percentage. In this case have to take percentage of the appeared for analysis.

    Remarkable difference is in 2003 boys got 75.04% of pass, better than girls, which was 74.94%. Girls’ pass percentage increased gradually. Up to 2006 boy stood first. From 2007 to 2012 girls stood first except 2008. That shows that girls are concentrating more on their education than boys.

    In all these years 2007 recorded lowest pass percentage (71.65) and 2012 recorded highest pass percentage (87.85).

    When compared in numbers in 2003 – 280435 boys passed. The number is not doubled in 2012 (It is 467479). In case of girls the number more than doubled in the decade (218257 passed in 2003 and 454642 in 2012).

    In overall pass percentage there is a sudden degrade from 2004 to 2005 (8.14). A sudden increase recorded from 2011 to 2012 (4.85)

    We can conclude that there is a gradual growth in the field of school education in terms of SSC appearing and pass. Another feature, girls are better than boys at studies.

Education News

Published date : 07 Nov 2023 12:07PM

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