TSPSC Group-1 Prelims Exam 2024 Instructions: Important Precautions for Candidates

The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) will conduct the Group-1 Prelims Exam on June 9th (Sunday) from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM.

Candidates are advised to reach their respective examination centers before 10:00 AM. A total of 4.03 lakh candidates are expected to appear across 897 examination centers. Late arrivals, even by one minute after 10:00 AM, will not be permitted.

TSPSC Group-1 exam aims to fill 563 posts in Group-1 Services, including roles such as Deputy Collector, District Registrar, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Municipal Commissioner, Assistant Audit Officer, District Panchayat Raj Officer, and Assistant Treasury Officer.

Key Guidelines for Candidates

  • Footwear: Candidates should wear only chappals, not shoes, to the examination centers.
  • Biometric Details: Avoid wearing Mehendi or any other printed colors on your fingers, as it may interfere with the recording of biometric fingerprint details.
  • Prohibited Items: Do not bring calculators, pagers, cell phones, tablets, pen drives, Bluetooth devices, watches, logbooks, log tables, wallets, handbags, pouches, writing pads, notes, charts, loose sheets, jewelry, or other electronic gadgets.
  • Identification: You must bring a valid ID card and your hall ticket. If the photo on the hall ticket is incorrect, bring an additional photo.
  • Compliance: Officials have warned that legal action will be taken against those who violate these rules.

Last-Minute Tips for TSPSCC Group-1 Prelims 2024

  • Revise, Don’t Read: Focus on revising the gists and notes you have already prepared rather than trying to learn new material.
  • Accuracy with Easy Questions: Ensure you answer easy questions correctly. They are your best opportunity to score points.
  • Careful Reading: Re-read each question multiple times before answering to avoid making silly mistakes.
  • Intelligent Guessing: Make educated guesses instead of random attempts.
  • Perspective on Difficulty: Remember, if the paper is tough for you, it is tough for everyone.
  • Avoid Elimination Tactics: Be aware that PSC exams have evolved beyond simple elimination strategies.
  • Review Mistakes: Go over the difficult questions and topics you got wrong in previous test series.
  • Strategic Attempting: The prelims exam is about eliminating options wisely. You don't need to attempt every question, just enough to qualify.
  • Healthy Habits: Maintain a healthy routine by sleeping well and eating properly. Good health is crucial for optimal performance on exam day.

Good luck and all the best!
