One should attempt as many test series as possible: Meduri Kalyan-State 2nd Ranker in AP GENCO AE Exam 2017

A proud Son of a Carpenter, a Mechanical Engineer from Bhimavaram, Meduri Kalyan left a high perk private job for government services. Securing 2nd rank in AP GENCO AE Exam 2017, Kalyan shares his success journey exclusive with

Mother's Name: M L PRASANNA
Branch: Mechanical (Machine Design) College: IIT Guwahati (M.Tech.)
GENCO Rank and marks: 2nd rank, 84 marks

Academic marks:
Intermediate: 957/1000
B.Tech.: 9.1/10
M.Tech. : 9.61/ 10



  • Got first rank in first year.
  • Secured 1473 Rank in GATE and joined in IIT Guwahati in M.Tech.
  • Published a Journal paper during M.Tech on Optimization of bearings.
  • Secured state 2nd rank in APGENCO AE 2017 exam.


Can you tell us about your Family background? Who was your inspiration?
My father is a carpenter and mother is homemaker. Being a carpenter, my father worked very hard to support my studies. Whatever I wanted, regarding studies, he gave me. My parents were true inspiration for my achievements. Konda Suresh Kumar and Raghava Reddy Munnangi also helped be in my endeavor.

Tell us about your life as a student?
I studied from 6th to 10th at S.CH.B.R.M High School, Bhimavaram and Intermediate at Aditya Junior College. I completed Engineering at SRKR Engineering College. For M.Tech, I joined IIT Guwahati. Academically I was always performing well and during M.Tech placements, I was selected in a private company and worked there for 1 year. I quit job and started preparing for govt jobs.

Can you recollect when you started preparation for GENCO?
I started preparation as soon notification has been released in March 2017. In fact, I started making preparation plan one month before the notification was actually announced, as I knew that notification will be released soon.
When you started your preparation, what was your aim?
My aim was to get top rank in APGENCO exam. As I knew that there were limited Posts, I had to get top rank to get selected.

Would you explain your preparation strategy in detail?
APGENCO AE exam contains 100 marks
70 -Technical
30 -Aptitude

For Technical, one needs to prepare all the subjects which were mentioned in the notification. By analyzing APGENCO previous papers, which are available in SAKSHI EDUCATION website and found theory questions mostly asked. So, I prepared each and every subject thoroughly and then solved previous GATE, IES, APGENCO and ISRO theory questions. This strategy helped me a lot.

For Aptitude –
Firstly, I analyzed APGENCO and TSGENCO previous papers. So, I started preparing topics which were mainly asked on those previous papers. Daily, I was solving Aptitude questions from the various newspapers. If any topic is difficult to understand, I was using Youtube videos for quick and easy understanding.
During preparation, I solved SSC-JE and CIL previous papers also.
Did you try mock tests before the exam and how are they useful?
Yes, I attempted many mock tests. Mock tests helped me to maintain Time Management and Accuracy. In mock tests, sometimes I came to know about new topics, so attempting Mock tests helped me to know about new topics and tricks.
After each topic/subject is completed I was attempting TEST series. Once the syllabus is completed I attempted Grand mock tests. One should attempt as many test series as possible.

Can you detail on time management while your preparation
The time between the announcement of the notification and the date of the exam is precious. So, I used my time wisely.

My daily Schedule is as follows:
Morning (8AM-9AM) – solving aptitude questions from various newspapers
Day time (Till 5PM)-
  • Preparing technical subjects and attempting test series.
  • Preparing notes with important points and formula.
  • If formulae are short, writing them on a sticky notes and stick it on the wall.
Night (Till 10PM) – Solving previous technical papers
2 weeks before exam – Attempting MOCK TESTS, as many as possible
Last 1 week- Revising what I studied till that date.

Which books and material did you refer to in your preparation?
  • ISRO Previous papers
  • APGENCO and APTRANSCO previous papers from
What suggestion and preparation tips would you like to give to candidates preparing for GENCO?
One should prepare all topics, mentioned in the notification, because, even 1 mark decides the fate. Try to attempt as many test series as possible. Try to minimize silly mistakes, like bubbling/marking wrong option in OMR. In my case, I bubbled wrong option unknowingly and as a result I missed the 1st rank. In GENCO exam as time is not a factor, because, questions are mostly of theory type, one should concentrate on accuracy.
Daily I recommend discussion of questions with the friends. This helps you to know about the new tricks and methods which you may not know.

While attempting the questions during the exam:
  1. Firstly, attempt straight forward tech/aptitude theory questions. Don’t attempt problematic questions first.
  2. Then, attempt questions which take less than 1 minute to answer.
  3. Then, attempt questions, which take 1-2 minutes to attempt them.
  4. Finally, attempt problematic questions.
