Indian Naval Ship Tarkash Reaches South Africa for IBSAMAR VII

Indian Naval Ship Tarkash Reaches South Africa for IBSAMAR VII
  • INS Tarkash reached Port Grequhrea which is also known as Port Elizabeth in South Africa. INS Tarkash will participate in the seventh edition of IBSAMAR, a joint multinational maritime exercise among Indian, Brazilian, and South African Navies. The harbor phase of IBSAMAR VII includes professional exchanges such as damage control and fire-fighting drill and interaction among special forces.
  • IBSAMAR is the abbreviation of India-Brazil-South Africa Maritime. It is a series of naval exercises between the navies of India, Brazil, and South Africa. The previous edition which is IBSAMAR VI was held in Simons Town, South Africa in which INS Tarkash, INS Kolkata, BNS Barroso, SAS Amatola, SAS Protea, and SAS Manthatisi participated.

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