Centre releases endorsement guidelines for celebrities, influencers & virtual influencers on social media platforms

Centre releases endorsement guidelines for celebrities, influencers & virtual influencers on social media platforms
  • The Centre has released endorsement guidelines for celebrities, influencers and virtual influencers on social media platforms.
  • The guidelines aim to ensure that individuals do not mislead their audiences when endorsing products or services. This has led to an increased risk of consumers being misled by advertisements and unfair trade practices by these individuals on social media platforms.
  • The guidelines in response to the rapidly growing digital world, where advertisements are no longer limited to traditional media like print, television and radio. Any celebrity or influencer who has access to an audience and can influence their purchasing decisions or opinions about a product, brand, or experience must disclose any material connection with the advertiser.
  • The Department of Consumer Affairs has published Guidelines for prevention of Misleading Advertisements and Endorsements for Misleading Advertisements, 2022 last year. These guidelines outline the criteria for valid advertisements and the responsibilities of manufacturers, service providers, advertisers, and advertising agencies.
  • These guidelines also touched upon the celebrities and endorsers. It states that misleading advertisement in any form, format or medium is prohibited by law.

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