General English Grammar Based Questions for Bank Exams Preparations

­Model Questions
Directions (Q.No.1-05): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/ error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the number of that part with error as your answer. If there is 'No error', mark (5) as your answer.
1.    Entrepreneurs, who have dealt with multiple government agencies, (1)/ also felt that there are too many government bodies that play an active role in the journey of a company and,  (2)/ more often than not, it only complicates the operations of the company (3)/ while increasing the compliance costs manifold. (4)/ No error (5)
2.    The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), in its first ever audit of the Goods and Services Tax, (1)/ has said the government had failed (2)/ to trying out the system before its rollout,  (3)/ leading to ina­dequ­ate compliance mecha­nis­ms, and lower tax revenues. (4)/ No error (5)
3.    The accumulated toxins in our body (1)/ did not just affect our physical being (2)/ but also have adverse effect (3)/ on our mental faculties. (4)/ No error (5)
4.    One needs to acquire many talent (1)/ and master plenty of disciplines (2)/ to make a profitable (3)/ and reputed business. (4)/ No error (5)
5.    Hundreds of doctors and medicos staged dharnas (1)/ and taking out rallies in Andhra Pradesh  (2)/ to register their protest (3)/ against the National Medical Council Bill. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: (Q.No. 06-10) Whi­ch of the phrases (1), (2), (3), and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase underlined in the sentence to make it grammatically cor­rect? If there is no error mark (5) No correction required as your answer.
6.    The appropriate atmospheric condi­tions made it feasible for the astro­nomers to see the stars and they could even distinguish the sizes. 
    1) and even distinguish the sizes 
    2) and they were even distingu­ishing the sizes
    3) ­and he could even distinguish the size
    4) and even distinguishing the sizes
    5) no correction required
7.    Get out of the building! It sound like the generator is going to explo­de. 
    1) It is sounding like the generator is going to explode 
    2) It sounds like the generator is going to explode 
    3) It sounds like generator exploded
    4) it sounded like generator exp­losion
    5) no correction required
8.    A belief in superstitious people is that birth marks are the signs of influence on the mother before childbirth. 
    1) A belief in superstitious people that 
    2) Superstitious people beliefs are that 
    3) Among superstitious people the beliefs is that 
    4) Superstitious people believe that
    5) no correction required
9.    Tonight I am going to check that Ra-mesh will do his homework corre­ctly. 
    1) Ramesh must be doing his homework correctly 
    2) Ramesh shall do his homework correctly 
    3) Ramesh does his homework corr­ectly
    4) Ramesh did his homework corr­ect
    5) no correction required
10.    People working in high position in companies tend to shifting their work burden by delegating tasks to their subordinates.
    1) tend for shifting their work 
    2) tend to shift their work 
    3) tend as to shifting their work
    4) tended to shift his work
    5) no correction required
BRAOU, Srikakulam ITEP Admission 2024 Notification
Directions (Q. 11-15): Re arrange the following six sentences(A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in a proper seque­nce to form a meaningful para­gr­aph and then answer the questions given below.

A)    There are about four hundred old stone bridges joining the island of Venice.
B)    Venice is a strange and beautiful city in the north of Italy.
C)    It is not an island but a hundred and seventeen islands.
D)    These small islands are near one another.
E)    This is because Venice has no stre­ets.
F)    In this city there are no motor cars, no horses and no buses.
11.    What is the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) F
12.    What is the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) F
13.    What is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) D    4) E    5) F
14.    What is the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) E
15.    What is the LAST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) D    5) E
Directions (Q.No.16-20): Each question below has a blank/ two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word/ set of words from the five options for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
16.    Countries which_____ still under­going the economic processes ____ known as developing countries. 
    1) were, are     2) are, were     3) are, are     4) is, are   5) are, is
17.    There are many textile producing mills in the market that _____ with each _____ to gain the largest share of the market. 
    1) fight, person    2) compete, other
    3) Compare, contestants
     4) Clash, individual
    5) Struggle, another 
18.    As per the recent ethical rules _____ down by National Institute of Health, diseases which cannot be treated _____ would qualify for treatment involving human gene manipulation. 
    1) Lay, dangerous
     2) Produced, similar
     3) Laid, alternatively
     4) Identified, uncommon
    5) Framed, fast
19.    In the first ten years after the____ of the UGC Act, eight institutions were granted deemed university status. 
    1) implification    2) enactment     3) Statement    4) Forming 5) issue
20.    But each attempt ended in _____ failure, just as such attempts have _____ all over the world including Britain and the US. 
    1) gloomy, ended    
    2) Spectacular, tremendous
    3) Intense, intensified
    4) Dismal, failed
    5) Abysmal, aroused
The importance of Nutrition for Young People
Directions (Q.No. 21-25) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

The most avid users of social-netw­orking websites may be exhibiti­onist teenagers, but when it comes to more grown-up use by business people, such sites have a surpris­ingly long pedigree. Linke­dIn, an online network for profes­sionals that signed up its ten-millionth user this week, was laun­ched in 2003, a few months before MySpace, the biggest of the social sites. Cons­umer adoption of social networking has grabbed most attention since then. But interest in the business uses of the technology is rising. Many companies are attracted by the marketing opportunities offered by community sites. But the results can be painful. Pizza Hut has a profile on MySpace devoted to a pizza-delivery driver called Ted, who helpfully lets friends in on the chain's latest promotional offers ("Dude, I just heard some scoop from the Hut," ran one recent post). Wal-Mart started up and rapidly closed down a much-derided tee­nage site called The Hub last year. Reuters hopes to do better with its forthcoming site for those in the financial-services industry. Social networking has proved to be of greatest value to companies in recru­itment. Unlike a simple jobs board,social networks enable mem­bers to pass suitable vacancies on to people they know, and to refer potential candidates back to the rec­ruiter. So employers reach not only active jobseekers but also a much larger pool of passive cand­idates through referrals. LinkedIn has over 350 corporate customers which pay up to $250,000 each to advertise jobs to its expanding net­work. Having lots of people in a network increases its value in a "super-linear" fashion, says Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn's founder. He says corporate use of his service is now spre-ading beyond recruiters: hedge funds use it to identify and contact experts, for example. This technique is also gather-ing mome­ntum in "knowle­dge manage-ment". IBM recently unveiled a social-software platform called Lotus Connecti-ons, due out in the next few weeks, that lets company emp­loyees post detailed profiles of them­selves, team up on projects and share bookmarks.
21.    Why does the author call "Lotus Connections" a social software plat­form? 
    1)Because it is used for knowledge management
    2) It has a feature to allow emp­loyees to interact and cooperate with each other 
    3. Because IBM developed it 
    4.Because the service team can get in touch with the right engineers using it
22.    What meaning of avid could you infer from the passage? 
    1) Dormant    2) Unprincipled    3) Unwanted     4) Enthusiastic    5) Hibernate
23.    What is the most probable context in which the author is talking about Pizza Hut? 
    1)Social Networking did not bene­fit it 
    2) Social Networking was a big success for it
    3)Social Networking created problems for it
    4) any of the above
    5) none of the above
24.    Which of the following statement is true?
    1) LinkedIn's rich pool of corporate customers scarcely add weigh­tage to its expanding network.
    2) Social networks enable mem-bers to pass suitable vacancies on to people they know, and to prefer potential candidates back to the recruiter.
    3)Employers have a ready to use database of selected candidates.
    4)Social networks help the recru­iters in providing the informa­tion about potential candidates.
    5)Interest in the business uses of the technology is alarming
25.    The meaning of pedigree in this context is
    1) It is a rare breed
    2) It is a food used for pet animals
    3) It means full of rage
    4) To derive something
    5) A lineage
Directions (Q.No. 26-30): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/ phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropria-tely. Find out the appropriate word/ phrase in each case and mark your answer.
Although foetal sex determination and sex selection is ____(26) offence in India, the practice is _____(27). Private clinics with ultrasound machines are doing _____ (28) business. Everywhere, people are paying to _____ (29) the sex of the unborn child, and paying more to abort the female child. The technology has reached even remo­te places through mobile clin­ics. Dr. Puneet Bedi obstetri­cian and specialist in foetal medi­cine, says these days he _____ (30) sees a family with two daughters. People are getting the sex determ­in­ation even for the first child, he says.
26.    1)  an        2) a       3) purely             4) truly      5) the
27.    1) vibrant     2) rampant    3) colorful    4) animated    5) alive
28.    1) brisk          2) hurry    3) slow             4) rare          5) vital
29.    1) understand    2) estimate
    3) alter     4) know    5) change
30.    1) rare        2) scare     3) hard             4) hardly   5) almost

        1) 2    2) 3    3) 5    4) 1    5) 2
        6) 2    7) 2    8) 4    9) 5    10) 2
        11) 2    12) 3    13) 3    14) 1    15) 5
        16) 3    17) 2    18) 3    19) 1    20) 4
        21) 2    22) 4    23) 2    24) 4    25) 5
        26) 1    27) 2    28) 1    29) 4    30) 4
KNRUHS BPT 1st Year Backlog Candidates July 2024 Exam Results
