English Model and Grammatical Questions for Bank Exams


Directions (Q.1-5): Read the following passage carefully and ans­wer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
The original design of "Oscar" was by MGM art director Cedric Gibbons. He came up with a statuette of a knight standing on a reel of film gripping a crusader’s sword. The Aca­demy commissioned the Los Ang­­eles sculptor George Stanley to cre­ate the design in three dimensions.  It was presented for the first time at the initial awards banquet on May 16, 1929 to Emil Jannings, named Best Actor for his performances in "The Last Command" and "The Way of All Flesh". Since then, 2,701 statuettes have been presented. The ne­w golden statuettes are cast, moulded, polished and buffed each January by RS Owens & Company, the Chicago based awards manu­facturer retained by the Academy since 1982. Oscar stands 13½ inches tall and weighs 8½ lbs. The film reel features five spokes, signifying the five original branches of the Aca­demy: actors, directors, produ­cers, tech­nicians and writers. Although the sta­t­uette remains true to its original design, the size of the base varied until 1945, when the current standard was adopted. Officially named the Academy Award of Merit, the sta­tuette is better known by its nick­name, Oscar. While the origins of the moniker are not clear, a popular story has it that upon seeing the trophy for the first time, Academy librarian (and eventual executive director) Marg­aret Herrick remarked that it resem­bled her Uncle Oscar. The Academy didn’t adopt the nickname officially until 1939.  The statuettes presented at the initial ceremonies were gold-plated solid bronze. Within a few years the bronze was abandoned in favour of Britannia metal, a pewter-like alloy which is then plated in copper, nickel silver, and finally, 24-carat gold. Due to a metal shortage during the Second World War, Oscars were made of painted plaster for three years. Following the war, the Academy invited recipients to redeem the plaster figures for gold-plated metal ones. The Academy is not certain know how many stat­uettes it will hand out until the enve­lopes are opened on the night of the ceremony. Although the number of cat­e­gories are known in advance, the possi­bility of ties and of multiple recip­ients sharing the prize in some cate­gories makes it impossible to pre­d­ict the exact number of statuettes to be awarded. Any surplus awards are housed in the Academy’s vault until the following year's event.
1.    Which of the following is true according to the passage:
    1) The perfect number of awards is always erratic
    2) Oscars were made of painted plaster always
    3) The film reel features five spok-es, signifying the four original branches of the Academy
    4) Oscar stands 13½ inches tall and weighs 8½ kgs
    5) The Academy adopted the nickname officially until 1939
2.    Which of the following is false according to the passage
    1) The Academy commissioned the Los Angeles sculptor George Stanley to create the design in three dimensions
    2) The statuettes presented at the initial ceremonies were gold-plated solid bronze.
    3) Due to a metal shortage during the Second World War, the metal was changed.
    4) Actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers are not the only people who represent the five spokes
    5) The initial awards banquet was held on May 16, 1929 
3.    The meaning of Crusader used in second line is
    1) champion    2) jury    3) board
    4) committee    5) member
4.    An alloy means
    1) A metal made by combining two or more metals
    2) A metal made by combining gold and bronze
    3) A metal made by combining plaster of paris and copper
    4) A metal made by combining silver and gold
    5) A metal made by compressing two or more metals
5. Vault is 
    1) A burial chamber   2) tombstone    3) cemetery    4) park    5) closet
Directions (Q.6-10): Each question below has a blank/ two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word/ set of words from the five options for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 
6.    The seriousness of the situation is_____to appreciate in its ____.
    1) easy; complete        2) different; wholesome
    3) difficult; totality    
    4) hard; completeness    
    5) tough; compliment
7.    The new policy was adopted in the _______ of fierce _______.
    1) wake; opponent    
    2) show; postponement    
    3) teeth; criticism    
    4) course; outcome    
    5) reality; injustice
8.    The computer is now an _______ tool for the family doctor.
    1) valuable    2) valid    3) price    4) worth    5) invaluable
9.    A nasty incident was prevented by the _______ arrival of the police.
    1) timid    2) rightly    3) timely    4) correct    5) properly
10.    The author ______ draws together the different _______ of the plot.
    1) nicely; theme  2) tactfully; lines    
    3) cleverly; link    4) skillfully; threads    
    5) truly; stories
Directions(Questions11-15): Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3), and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase underlined in the sentence to make it gramm­atically correct? If there is no error mark (5) No correction required as your answer.
11.    Many people are being crushed when the building collapsed on top of them. 
    1) was crushed      2) were crushed    3) are crushed     4) is crushed    5) No correction required
12.    She was struck by the sudden thought that he might leave already.
    1) has leaving already    
    2) already leaving    
    3) already have left    
    4) have left already    
    5) No correction required
13.    She was very upset at what to him was just a throw-in remark. 
    1) throw out    2) throw down    3) throw back    4) throw away    5) No correction required
14.    I heard through the grapevine that you are quitting. 
    1) via grape vine    
    2) via knitted channel    
    3) reliable sources    4) media    
    5) No correction required
15.    Avoid smoking in danger zones. Fires run out easily in such areas.
    1) catch up    2) passed away    3) do without    4) called off    5) No correction required
Directions (Q. 16-25): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/ error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the number of that part with error as your answer. If there is 'No error', mark (5) as your answer.
16. Unfortunately the people (1)/ making the decisions (2)/ are out of touch (3)/ in the real world. (4)/ No error (5) 
17. I’m still (1)/ not totally convinced (2)/ that he knows (3)/ what he’s doing. (4)/ No error (5)
18. Many of the rebels (1)/ were captured (2)/ and torture (3)/ by police. (4)/ No error (5)
19. All this information (1)/ is readily available (2)/ at the touch (3)/ of button. (4)/ No error (5)
20. Years of living (1)/ in England (2)/ have eliminated all trace of (3)/ her American accent. 
    (4)/ No error (5)
21. Bank statements (1)/ help you keep track (2)/ of where your money (3)/ was going. (4)/ No error (5)
22. Pollution is just (1)/ one of the disadvantage (2)/ of living (3)/ in the town. (4)/ No error (5)
23. The article was (1)/ moderate in tone (2)/ and presented (3)/ both side of the case. (4)/ No error (5)
24. The penalty for failure (1)/ will be high. (2)/ But, by the same token, (3)/ the reward for success will be great. (4)/ No error (5)
25. Rising unemployment (1)/ and reservation policies (2)/ is a political time bomb (3)/ for the government. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions (Q. 26-30): Read each sentence which has four parts to find o­ut whether there is any grammatical mistake or spelling mistake in it. Cer­t­ain words are given in bold in each p­art to identify the error. Mark the nu­m­ber of that part with error as your an­s­wer.
26.    She has been (1) lauded by var­io­us (2) organizations for brea­king down (3) the bariers. (4)
27.    The effort of a (1) physically ch­a­­ll­e­nged person whom (2) over­comes the odds (3) and particip­ates in the Games is lauded. (4)
28.    The success off (1) Burj Al Ara­b­’­s offshore (2) encouraged the A­r­a­bs to formulate (3) an even gra­n­­der (4) plan. 
29.    'Work incessantly, (1) but not (2) attached to it': this is the (3) central idea of (4) Geeta. 
30.    Admitance (1) was refused (2) to him by (3) the security. (4)
Directions (Q. 31-35): Rearrange the following six sent­ences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F)­ in a proper sequence to form a mea­ni­n­gful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A)    As a scholarly discipline, it is clo­sely related to subjects such as sci­e­nce and ethics.
B)    As a professional, the engineer is expected to commit himself to hi­gh standards of conduct. 
C)    The field examines and sets the ob­li­gations by engineers to soci­e­ty, to their clients, and to the pro­f­ession. 
D)    Engineering ethics is the field of app­lied ethics and system of mo­r­al principles that apply to the pra­ctice of engineering. 
E)    By transforming nature for the ben­efit of mankind, the engineer mu­st increase his awareness of the world as the abode of man. 
F)    The engineer recognizes that the greatest merit is the work and ex­e­r­cises his profession committed to serving society, attending to th­e welfare and progress of the maj­ority. 
31.    What is the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) D    4) E    5) F
32.    What is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) D    4) F    5) E
33.    What is the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) C    3) D    4) E    5) F
34.    What is the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?
    1) B    2) D    3) C    4) E    5) F
35.    What is the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
    1) A    2) B    3) C    4) E    5) F

    1) 3    2) 4    3) 1    4) 1    5) 5
    6) 3    7) 3    8) 5    9) 3    10) 4
    11) 2    12) 3    13) 4    14) 5    15) 1
    16) 4    17) 5    18) 3    19) 4    20) 3
    21) 4    22) 2    23) 4    24) 4    25) 3
    26) 4    27) 2    28) 1    29) 2    30) 1
    31) 4    32) 1    33) 5    34) 2    35) 3
