10th Class Social Studies Top 50 Most Important 4Marks and 8Marks Questions (Set-2)

10th Class Social Studies important questions

The Andhra Pradesh SSC (10th Class) Board Exams are set to begin on March 17th, 2025, and Social Studies is one of the most crucial subjects for students. To help you prepare effectively, we have compiled AP 10th Class Social Studies Important 4 Marks and 8 Marks Questions These resources will help you practice essential concepts and improve your problem-solving skills.

4 Marks Questions

1. What is Bio-diversity? Why is Bio-diversity important for Human lives?

2. How have human activities affected the depletion of Flora and Fauna? Explain.

3. Distinguish between Reserved Forests and Protected Forests.

4. Why do you think that solar energy has a bright future in India?

5. Describe the distribution of Coal in India?

6. Why do we need to conseve mineral resources? (or) Explain the importance of consevation of minerals?

7. Distinguish between the Ferrous Minerals and Non-Ferrous Minerals.

8. Distinguish between conventional and Non-conventional sources of Energy.

9. How did the East India company procure regular supplies of Cotton and Silk textiles from Indian Weavers?

10. Why did some industrialists in 19th century Europe prefer hand labour over machines?

11. Why did Industrial production in India increase during the First World War?

12. Explain what is meant by Proto-Industralisation?

13. Why the East India company appointed Gomasthas to supervise weavers in India?

14. “Women workers in Britain attacked the Spinning Jenny” - Why?

15. “Caste has still not disappeared from contemporary India”. Give any three examples to Justify the statement.

16. Explain the various forms that communalism can take in politics?

17. How does caste affect politics in India?

18. What is secularism? Why is it necessary to have secularism in India?

19. How does democracy produce an accountable, reponsive and legitimate government?

20. What are the conditions under which democracies accomodate social diversities?

21. Explain the “Right to Information”?

22. Mention any four characteristics of development.

23. What do you mean by percapita income of a country? How can it be used to compare two countries.

24. Why income is not an adequate indicator of material goods and services that citizens are able to use?

25. Why is the issue of sustainability important for development?

26. What factors gave birth to the consumer movement in India? Trace its evolution?

27. Explain the need for consumer consciousness by giving two examples.

28. What is the rationale behind the enactment of consumer protection Act 1986?

29. Critically examine the progress of consumer movement in India?

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8 Marks Questions

30. What is water Scarcity? What are its main causes?

31. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of multi-purpose river projects?

32. Discuss how rain water harvesting in semi-arid regions of Rajasthan is carried out?

33. Describe how modern adaptations of traditional rain water harvesting methods are being carried out to conserve and store water.

34. Suggest the initiatives to be taken by the government to ensure the increase in Agricultural production?

35. Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice.

36. Describe any four features of Indian agriculture sector.

37. “Print culture assisted the growth of nationalism in Inda.” - Comment.

38. “Some people in 18th century in Europe think that print culture would bring enlightenment and end despotism” - Comment.

39. “Some people fear the effect of easily available printed books: - Comment.

40. Comment on “the effect of the spread of print culture for poor people in 19th century India.”

41. What are the different forms of power sharing in modern democracies? Give an example of each of these.

42. State one Prudential reason and one moral reason for power sharing with an example from the Indian context?

43. What do we learn from two stories of Belgium and Srilanka?

44. Write about the power sharing accomodation in Belgium?

45. State the various functions political parties perform in a democarcy.

46. Suggest some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well?

47. What are the various challenges faced by political parties?

48. Why did India adopt a multi-party system?

49. What is manifesto?

50. What is political party?
