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Karnati Bhagya Sree on her success who made into Microsoft with top salary in Campus Placement

I was still in a land of fantasy unable to believe that it was MY DAY! The best gift I could have ever asked for Karnati Bhagya Sree, cleared the five rounds of selection process in the campus placement and was offered with highest package of 8.5 lakhs per annum in Microsoft.
Father's Name: K.Ravi Kumar
Mother's Name: K.Rajeswari
Branch: Information Technology
College: CBIT, Hyderabad

Academic marks:
Inter: 95%
B.E: 89%

I got a decent rank in EAMCET-1722. College life gave me a chance to develop my overall personality. I participated in many games held as a part of our annual fest. I was a part of the chess team of IT department and we won the chess cup for two successive years. Also I was an active member of Tecstasy- a technical fest conducted by my department. I was the student coordinator for the fest. I grabbed many prizes by participating in seminars conducted by many prestigious institutes. I was keen in learning new technologies so I kept myself involved in various projects involving different platforms.

Family background:
I don’t reckon a moment when I was scolded regarding studies. The faith my parents instilled in me ultimately made me capable of gifting them something so special. My brother has always been a great support in my life. My mom is perhaps the most caring, the best mom and my best friend. She has been always by my side when I needed her the most.

College life:
My college is something I feel it’s so hard to say goodbye to. There are so many memories I share with this place. There were stills of time when my teachers supported me, times when they scolded me, times I bunked and was caught, times when I topped the class and times when I didn’t and ultimately when it was time to bid farewell CBIT gave me the best gift.

Playing caroms and badminton, hanging out with friends

Who was the inspiration behind your success?
My parents, brother and friends were a great support at every stage of my life- be it success or failure.

Can you describe us in detail how you faced the campus interview starting from the written test to facing the interview board?
My interview process was quite challenging. It comprised of 5 rounds.
First one was a written test. I could manage it well. The questions were picked up from various fields -C, C++, DBMS, exception handling and test cases. Brushing up the basic concepts did the job for me.

In the Second round the qualified students were all given a set of questions. The recruiters observed the way and our methodology with which we tackled the questions. The questions were framed based upon the problems we face in real time related to complexities. A quick thought in the right direction would take you a step higher in the ladder to Microsoft.

The third one was a technical round. The questions were thrown at me and I was asked to bring about the answers in a logical way that would yield the best results. Though I knew that a correct hit would take me to the answer but tension gripped me a bit initially but later I let it go off , kept my mind cool and gradually strengthened my confidence bit by bit.

The fourth stage was a similar, kind of technical. I was asked to explain and support the answers which I wrote in my written paper. I cleared this round easily and confidence built up step by step.

The final round brought more and more anxiety. It was a HR round wherein I was asked about me, my family background, etc. The recruiter was quite impressed with my reply to his question-Why Microsoft..?

What do you think fetched the Job in the Campus placement?
I kept my mind focused at my goal simultaneously keeping it cool. Nervousness didn't find its way in my case and keeping it away made my goal closer to me.

How many offers did you get and what is your choice?
Microsoft had been my dream. I have Infosys in my hand. I am opting for Microsoft.

Which books and material did you refer to in your preparation?
A quick look at the basics of programming languages, operating systems, data structures worked well for me. Besides a few tips on how to crack HR interviews were helpful.

When did you start preparing for the Placement?
It’s a process which started as soon as I entered my final year. A time to time review on basics helped me a lot.

What suggestion would you like to give for Job aspirants?
I would like to mention one thing to all those aiming any job interview-It’s just your cool mind and confidence that will take you through. One can achieve success with just being strong in the basics of technical education. Always keep your nervousness away... keeping it away made my goal closer to me. Also be thorough with your resume. Be prepared to face any question that may be asked from your resume.
Published date : 28 Apr 2011 07:19PM

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