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English - Vocabulary

Indict = To charge with a fault or offense
S: charge, criminate, impeach
A: absolve, acquit, vindicate

Exonerate = to clear from accusation or blame
S: exculpate
A: criminate

Prevail = prove more powerful or superior
S: conquer, win, triumph
A: lose

Vigorous = healthy and strong
S: dynamic, energetic, flush
A: dull, lethargic, sluggish

Feeble = very weak
S: effete, soft
A: mighty, powerful

Docile = ready to accept control or instruction
S: comfortable, obedient, submissive
A: contrary, rebel, defiant

Stubborn = refusing to change
S: hard, inflexible, unbending
A: acquiescent, amenable, yielding

Intangible = not able to be touched
S: impalpable
A: tactile

Aristocracy = the highest social class in some countries
S: elite, nobility
A: proletarians

Genius = a very smart or talented person
S: brainiac, intellect
A: idiot, moron, knucklehead

Tirade = a long and angry speech
S: diatribe, harangue

Denunciation = a public statement that strongly criticizes someone
S: condemnation, excoriation
A: citation, endorsement

Circumscribed = to limit the size or amount
S: cap, confine
A: exceed

Entangled = to get involved in a confusing situation
S: interlace, knot, snarl
A: untwist, disentangle

Pinnacle = high mountain part, best part of something
S: apex, crown
A: bottom, nadir

Confront = to oppose, to challenge
S: brave, dare
A: dodge, shrink

Abandon = to leave and never return
S: deliver, give up
A: constraint, restraint

Tepid = not hot and not cold
S: halfhearted, lukewarm
A: eager, enthusiastic

Rancid = full of anger and bitterness
S: abhorrent, awful
A: innocuous, inoffensive

Insipid = not interesting
S: dead, flat, flavorless
A: sapid, savoury, tasty

Rein = the ability to limit or control something
S: chair, headship, helm
A: impotence, powerlessness

Connoisseur = a person who knows a lot about something
S: cognoscente
A: amateur

Garrulity = quality of tending to talk a lot
S: talkative, blabby
A: laconic, reserved

Loquacious = liking to talk
S: talkative, blabby
A: laconic, reserved

Flout = to brake a rule without hiding
S: despise, disregard
A: obey, follow

Harangue = a forceful or angry speech
S: diatribe, tirade
A: declaim, descant

Colossus = a huge statue
S: giant
A: dwarf

Lunatic = person with extreme mental illness
S: mad, insane
A: balanced, sound

Mollify = to make someone less angry
S: appease, pacify
A: anger, enrage

Audacious = very confident and daring
S: arch, bold
A: meek, mousy

Plummet = drop straight down at high speed
S: crash, decline
A: arise, lift

Volatile = likely to change in a very sudden way
S: capricious, flicker
A: certain, constant

Rattle = to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises
S: babel, blare, chatter
A: quiet, silence, still

Impervious =not allowing something to pass through
S: impenetrable, tight
A: penetrable, permeable

Haphazard = chance
S: aimless, arbitrary
A: methodical, orderly

Amicable = showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid argument
S: agreeable, kindred
A: discordant, incomplete

Reticent = not willing to tell people about things
S: close, secretive
A: communicative, open

Feline = related to cat family, resembling cat
S: agile, graceful
A: awkward, clumsy

Corporeal = consisting of a physical body
S: bodily, fleshy, carnal
A: nonmaterial, nonphysical

Plundering = to steal things by force
S: loot, spoil

Proficient = good at doing something
S: accomplished, ace, master
A: amateur, inexpert, jackleg

Vigour = strength, energy, determination
S: dynamism, vitality
A: lethargy, sluggishness

Absurd = extremely silly, completely ridiculous
S: fantastic, bizarre, crazy
A: realistic, reasonable

Vivacious = happy and lively in a way that is attractive
S: active, brisk, sparkly
A: dead, inactive, vapid

Moor = a broad area of open land that is not good for farming
S: campo, steppe
A: loose, unfix

Moot = a deliberative assembly primarily for the administration of justice
S: arguable, disputable
A: accomplished, certain

Morose = very serious, unhappy person
S: cheerless, depressive, desolate
A: bright, cheerful, festive

Acquaint = to make familiar
S: familiarize, initiate, introduce

Flippant = lacking proper respect or seriousness
S: facetious, smart
A: earnest, sincere

Opaque = not transparent
S: ambiguous, nebulous
A: accessible, clear

Opulent = very comfortable and expensive
S: affluent, loaded
A: destitute, impecunious

Inadvertent = not planned
S: casual, chance
A: calculated, deliberate

Sanctity = the quality of being holy
S: devoutness, godliness, piety
A: impiety

Sacrilege = An act of treating a holy place in a way that does not show proper respect
S: defilement, desecration, blasphemy
A: adoration, glorification, worship

Stringent = very strict, severe
S: inflexible, rigorous
A: lax, loose

Shrill = to make a very loud, high pitched sound
S: treble, howl, screech, yelp
A: bass, deep, grave, low
Published date : 22 Jul 2015 11:09AM

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