UPSC CISF AC (EXE) LDCE 2022 Interview Schedule
The Personality Test/Interview of the CISF AC (Exe) LDCE, 2022 had commenced from 31.10.2022. However, the same was stopped w.e.f. 03.11.2022 (AN) due to certain development in WP (C) No. 5877/2022 (Diwakar Pande & Ors. Vs. UoI & Ors.) before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. Subsequently, the Hon’ble Court passed the following order on 03.02.2023:
In view of the above order, the Commission has decided to resume the Interview/PT Board for the remaining 13 candidates of the CISF AC (Exe) LDCE, 2022 subject to the outcome of the Writ Petition.
The e-Summon Letters of these candidates will be made available shortly, which may be downloaded from the Commission’s Website
The candidates are advised to download their e-Summon Letter along with all its enclosures and take a printout thereof and adhere to the instructions given in e-Summon letter for appearing in the Personality Test.
In case of any discrepancy, the candidate may contact the UPSC Facilitation Counter in person or on Tel. Nos. 23381125, 23098543 and 23385271
UPSC CISF AC (EXE) LDCE 2022 Interview Schedule: Click Here