Digital VLSI Testing Online Course
NPTEL is offering online course for undergraduate/ postgraduate students in Digital VLSI Testing
About the course:
Enrollment Ends: September 21, 2020
For more details, please visit:
- Testing is an integral part of the VLSI design cycle.
- With the advancement in IC technology, designs are becoming more and more complex, making their testing challenging.
- Testing occupies 60-80% time of the design process.
- A well structured method for testing needs to be followed to ensure high yield and proper detection of faulty chips after manufacturing.
- Design for testability (DFT) is a matured domain now, and thus needs to be followed by all the VLSI designers.
- Week 1: Introduction: Importance, Challenges, Levels of abstraction, Fault Models, Advanced issues
- Week 2: Design for Testability: Introduction, Testability Analysis, DFT Basics, Scan cell design, Scan Architecture
- Week 3: Design for Testability: Scan design rules, Scan design flow . Fault Simulation: Introduction, Simulation models
- Week 4: Fault Simulation: Logic simulation, Fault simulation
- Week 5: Test Generation: Introduction, Exhaustive testing, Boolean difference, Basic ATPG algorithms
- Week 6: Test Generation: ATPG for non stuck-at faults, Other issues in test generation Built-In-Self-Test: Introduction, BIST design rules
- Week 7: Built-In-Self-Test: Test pattern generation, Output response analysis, Logic BIST architectures
- Week 8: Test Compression: Introduction, Stimulus compression
- Week 9: Test Compression: Stimulus compression, Response compression
- Week 10: Memory Testing: Introduction, RAM fault models, RAM test generation
- Week 11: Memory Testing: Memory BIST Power and Thermal Aware Test: Importance, Power models, Low power ATPG
- Week 12: Power and Thermal Aware Test: Low power BIST, Thermal aware techniques
Enrollment Ends: September 21, 2020
For more details, please visit: