ICAR IARI Technician Re Exam Admit Card
The ICAR - Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI) has released the Technician Re Examination admit card.

Admit cards for the re-examination for the post of Technician (T-1) to be held on 10.07.2023 have been made available on the website.
The direct link for downloading Admit Card for the post of Technician (T-1) Re-examination has also been sent to the candidates on their registered email address.
Information regarding the city of the examination centre and the date of the CBT examination for the post of Technician (T-1) has been sent through SMS and e-mail to all the prospective candidates.
How to download ICAR IARI Technician Re Exam Admit Card?
- Visit the official ICAR IARI website - https://www.iari.res.in/en/index.php
- Click on the Announcement link, given on the homepage.
- You will be redirected to a new page.
- Click on Recruitment Cell at IARI
- Click on Technician (T-1) 2021
- Click on Notice for download admit card for the Technician (T-1) exam
- You will be redirected to a new page
- Click on the given link
- You will be redirected to a new page
- Enter your User ID, Password, type 7 characters as shown in image and click on login button
- Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
- Download the admit card and save it for future use.
ICAR IARI Technician Re Exam Admit Card: Click Here
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