IITM, Pune Research Fellow Notification 2023

Research Fellow: 10 Posts
Qualifications: Post Graduate degree in Physical Sciences [includes Physics, Applied Physics, Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology, Oceanography, Climate Science, Geophysics with Meteorology as one of the subject/ Environmental Sciences/ Electronics or equivalent subjects] / Chemical Sciences [includes Chemistry/ Physical Chemistry/ Inorganic Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry or equivalent subjects]/ Mathematical Sciences [includes Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics/ statistics or equivalent subjects] with at least 55% marks for General and OBC Category (50% for SC, ST and PwBD). OR M.Tech in Atmospheric/ Oceanic Sciences or equivalent subject with at least 55% marks for General and OBC Category (50% for SC, ST and PwBD).
Age Limit (As on 26/06/23): 28 years
Emoluments: Rs.31000/- per month
How to Apply?
- Applications along with supporting documents will be received in on-line mode only
- No hard copies are to be submitted
Last Date: June 26, 2023
For more details, please visit: https://tropmet.res.in/jobs_pdf/1683890878PER-04-2023_IITM_RA.pdf