IIT Hyderabad: Research Assistant & Junior Research Fellow

- Research Assistant: 01 Post
Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Design/ Professional Diploma in Design (NID/CEPT or equivalent of 4 years’ duration after 10+2) with at least 60% marks AND Qualified CEED / GATE.
Fellowship: Rs.20,000/- + 24% HRA per
- Junior Research Fellow: 01 Post
Qualifications: Masters degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Design with A minimum of 60 (55 for SC/ST) percent marks in the final, academic year of the programme. Preferably with the specializations in Computer Aided Design/ Robotics/ Computer Graphics/ Product Design/ Engineering Design or similar fields.
Fellowship: Rs.31,000 /- + 24% HRA per
How to Apply: Interested candidates should email their CV for short listing for interview at: psonkar@des.iith.ac.in
Last Date: Rolling basis and candidates can apply until suitable candidates are found
For more details, please visit: https://iith.ac.in/assets/files/careers/staff/CRG_RA_JRF_Job_advert_logo.pdf