IIT Hyderabad: Junior Research Fellow
The Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad invites application for the following posts

Junior Research Fellow
Qualification: A first class M.Arch, M.Des, M.Tech
Mandatory: Candidates with knowledge in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality / Digital Experience Design only should apply. Knowledge of 3D modelling, VR&AR and skills such as C#, Unity, Reality Capture, Cinema 4D, Unreal Engine, Blender, Oculus, etc., is required.
Fellowship: Rs.25,000/- + 20% HRA per month
How to Apply: Interested candidates should email their CV and relevant portfolio for short listing for interview to PI at: shivaji@des.iith.ac.in
Last Date: 25 April 2022
For more details, please visit: https://iith.ac.in/assets/files/careers/staff/JRF-Ad-4-Project-G236-13-04-2022.pdf
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