JNTUA M.Tech Admission Notification 2023
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur (JNTUA) invites application for admission into sponsored category seats of regular M.Tech programmes in the following departments for the academic year 2023-24.

- Civil Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
Eligibility: BE/ B.Tech/ AMIE in the relevant discipline.
Registration Fee: Rs.1000/- for each application should be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of The Registrar, JNTUA, payable at Ananthapuramu. (SBI, JNTUEC Branch code: 2723).
How to Apply?
The completed application form along with all necessary documents should be forwarded to "The Office of Director of Admissions, JNTUA, Administrative Building, Ananthapuramu".
Last Date: September 26, 2023
For more details, please visit: https://www.jntua.ac.in/m-tech-m-sc-admission-notification-for-sponsored-category-2023-24/
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