GATE/ GPAT and AP PGECET 2022 Web Counselling Schedule Released; Check Details Here!

Counselling schedule for GATE/ GPAT Special category candidates
Date & Time |
Certificate to appeared for counselling |
Subject Name |
Ranks |
Date of Exercising Options |
From |
To |
16/09/2022 & 17/09/2022 |
Only Special Category (NCC/CAP/PH/ Sports) |
1 |
Last |
18/09/2022 To 21/09/2022 |
Web Counselling Schedule for GATE/ GPAT
Date |
Online Certificate Verification |
Subject Name
Ranks |
Date of Exercising From To Options |
From |
to |
15/09/2022 To 19/09/2022 |
All |
BT |
Bio-Technology |
1 |
Last |
06/10/2022 To 08/10/2022 06:00 PM |
CE |
Civil Engineering |
1 |
Last |
CH |
Chemical Engineering |
1 |
Last |
CS |
Computer Science Engineering |
1 |
Last |
EC |
Electronics & Comm. Engg |
1 |
Last |
EE |
Electrical Engineering |
1 |
Last |
GC |
Geology & Geophysics |
1 |
Last |
IN |
Instrumentation Engg. |
1 |
Last |
ME |
Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
Last |
MT |
Metallurgical Engg. |
1 |
Last |
PH |
Physics |
1 |
Last |
PI |
Prod. & Ind. Engg. |
1 |
Last |
Pharmacy |
1 |
Last |
Counselling schedule for APPGECET – 2022 Special category candidates
Date & Time |
Certificate to appeared for counselling |
Subject Name |
Ranks |
Date of Exercising Options |
From |
To |
03/10/2022 & 04/10/2022 |
Only Special Category (NCC/CAP/PH/ Sports) |
1 |
Last |
06/10/2022 To 08/10/2022 |
Web Counselling Schedule for AP PGECET-2022
Date |
Subject Name
Ranks |
Date of Exercising From To Options |
From |
to |
28/09/2022 To 09/10/2022 |
BT |
Bio-Technology |
1 |
Last |
06/10/2022 To 08/10/2022 06:00 PM |
CH |
Chemical Engineering |
1 |
Last |
FT |
Food Technology |
1 |
Last |
GG |
Geo-Engg. & Geo Informatics |
1 |
Last |
EI |
Instrumentation Engineering |
1 |
Last |
EE |
Electrical Electronics Engineering |
1 |
Last |
MT |
Metallurgical Engineering |
1 |
Last |
NT |
Nano Technology |
1 |
Last |
CS |
Computer Science Engineering |
1 |
CE |
Civil Engineering |
1 |
EC |
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
1 |
ME |
Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
PY |
Mechanical Engineering |
1 |
Candidates are informed that they should satisfy the admission rules prescribed in the related G.O. besides satisfying the eligibility criteria of the respective universities and should be prepared to pay the tuition fee as applicable.
Only the left over seats after allotment for GATE / GPAT Candidates will be made available for APPGECET-2022 candidates.
This notification itself is a call for counselling. No separate call letters will be sent to the individual candidates.
Note: Mere applying for counselling does not guarantee a seat
GATE/ GPAT Web Counselling Fee Details
- SC/ST candidates: Rs.300/-
- For others candidates: Rs.600/-.
- Counselling fee shall be paid online using credit card/debit card/net banking options.
- Visit using Internet Explorer (9.0 or above)and click on pay fee online.
- Enter GATE/GPAT/APPGECET-2022 Hall Ticket number & rank and click on pay fee online.
- Select any one mode of payment credit card/debit card/net banking and enter credentials. Once the transaction is successful, note the transaction ID and upload at the time of attending certificate verification.
APPGECET Web Counselling Fee Details
- OC/BC category: Rs.1000/-
- SC/ST candidates: Rs.500/-
- Qualified candidates have to pay counselling fee through online in
- Counselling fee shall be paid online using credit card/debit card/net banking options
- Enter APPGECET-2022 Hall Ticket number & rank, and click on pay fee online.
- Select any one mode of payment credit card/debit card/net banking and enter credentials.
- Once the transaction is successful, note the transaction ID and inform at the time of online certificate verification.
Sl .No |
Certificates |
1 |
GATE Score / GPAT / APPGECET-2022 Rank Card & APPGECET-2022 Hall Ticket |
2 |
Provisional Certificate / Degree Certificate & Memorandum of marks of qualifying Examination |
3 |
Memo of SSC or its equivalent |
4 |
Study Certificate form 10th class to Graduation OR Residence Certificate for preceding 7 years from the qualifying examination i.e. Graduation in respect of candidates who have private study without any institutionalized education (Aadhaar card / House hold card) |
5 |
Integrated community certificate issued by the competent authority in case of BC/SC/ST candidates |
6 |
Residence certificate of father or mother for a period of 10 years in A.P. excluding the period of their employment outside A.P. from M.R.O. in case of candidates who studied outside the state of A.P. |
7 |
Transfer Certificate |
8 |
Income Certificate / House hold card (white) / Ration card |
9 |
EWS Certificate issued by Tahsildar if applicable. |
10 |
Candidates who have studied in Telangana but wish to claim AU/SVU regions have to submit Local Status Certificate |
GATE/ GPAT and AP PGECET 2022 Web Counselling Schedule Notification