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Nations soften their stand on fossil fuel phase-out at COP26 meeting in Glasgow

Nations have softened their stand on fossil fuels phaseout at COP 26 Glasgow meet. A new draft of the final deal that could emerge from the COP26 climate summit appears to have watered down its call to curb fossil fuels, but did not remove all mention of the need for their phase out. The texts from Glasgow are the first UN climate papers to make a specific mention of fossil fuels.
Nations soften their stand on fossil fuel phase-out at COP26 meeting in Glasgow
Nations soften their stand on fossil fuel phase-out at COP26 meeting in Glasgow

The COP26 summit has passed its scheduled finishing time, as negotiations on a deal to avert the worst impacts of climate change continue today. Sticking points include subsidies for coal and other fossil fuels, and financial help to poorer nations.

Meanwhile, India has called for collective resolve for accelerated mitigation and adaptation actions to combat climate change. A statement read by Union Environment, Forests, and Climate Change Minister Bhupender Yadav at Conference of Parties said this message will have credibility only if accompanied by an equally strong resolve of developed country parties to mobilize and provide enhanced climate finance to developing country parties. The outcomes of COP26 must reflect the urgency in scaling up finance and other means of implementation support to developing countries, he stressed at the stocktake plenary. The Minister said the overwhelming role of historical cumulative emissions in bringing the world to a 1.1 degrees rise in temperature must be noted and urgency in ambition must begin with actions of developed country parties.

The 2022 edition of the Conference of Parties, or the 27th COP, will take place at Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt's Environment Ministry said.

Published date : 13 Nov 2021 06:07PM

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