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India was elected the Chair of World Health Organization’s Executive Board recently. What are the challenges associated with it?

By Srirangam Sriram, Sriram's IAS, New Delhi.
India, was earlier this year, elected the Chair of World Health Organization’s Executive Board. India would chair the 148th session of the Executive Board in January 2021 and will continue to be a member of the Executive Board till 2023.

WHO’s Executive Board comprises of 34 members elected for three-year terms. The main functions of the Board are to implement the decisions and policies of the Health Assembly and advise and facilitate its work.

The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies etc.

India has to strengthen the role of WHO that provides leadership to the world in the sphere of public health, engaging with partners for joint actions, shaping the research agenda and stimulating the dissemination of valuable knowledge. The need is to catalyze further change.

India’s successful pulse polio program is known all over the world.

It comes at a time the world and the United Nations agency is struggling to stop the second wave of Sars-Cov-2.

The issue of cooperation for the development of vaccine; its equitable distribution; prevention of vaccine nationalism matter critically.

Career Guidance At another level, India has to unearth the role of China in the emergence and spread of the pandemic.
Published date : 26 Nov 2020 11:55AM

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