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Largest ever Rhino Transfer

Recently, 30 white rhinos were transferred from South Africa to Rwanda, onboard a Boeing 747 chartered plane. They were transferred in light of increasing threat of illegal poaching. It was the largest single transfer of white rhinos ever.
Largest ever Rhino Transfer
Largest ever Rhino Transfer

White Rhinoceros are also known as square-lipped rhinoceros while their scientific name is Ceratotheriumsimum. They are the largest extant species of rhinoceros. They have a wide mouth, which they use for grazing. They are considered as the most social among all rhino species.
As per latest IUCN assessment of 2020, the Northern White Rhinoceros are considered as “Critically Endangered” or Possibly Extinct in the Wild.

Published date : 01 Jan 2022 06:19PM

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