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AP Inter Supplementary Exams 2024: Innovative Online Approach in Evaluation

The Intermediate Board has introduced new reforms in the evaluation process for answer sheets. A new system has been implemented to ensure transparent correction of answer sheets for first and second-year exams, aiming for quicker result releases.
AP Inter Supplementary Exams 2024: Innovative Online Approach in Evaluation

This system is being tested this year, and extensive preparations are underway to transition from manual methods to online answer sheet evaluations. Orders have been issued by the Inter Education Department, and procedures have been designed accordingly.

Supplementary Exams Underway
The inter supplementary exams started on Friday and will continue until the end of the month. The new evaluation system will commence on the 1st of next month. Under this system, teachers appointed as Assistant Examiners (AE) can correct answer sheets either at junior colleges or from their homes, ensuring no disruption to regular teaching. Additionally, this approach is expected to reduce the costs associated with spot valuation.

Online Evaluation Process
Inter 1st and 2nd-year answer sheets will be scanned and sent online to the designated AE. Using a special code, teachers can access the answer sheets on their computers or laptops, evaluating them from their workplaces or homes. Evaluations can be submitted anytime between 8 am and 8 pm, but the entire process must be conducted under CC camera surveillance. Each examiner will log in through 'TQD' and change their password immediately. After evaluating five practice papers, regular papers will be available, with a daily evaluation limit of 60 papers.

AP EAPCET 2024 Question Papers with Preliminary Key - Click Here

Benefits of the Online System
Previously, manual evaluation of inter answer sheets caused delays in result releases, affecting student admissions and causing difficulties for teachers managing classes. The online assessment aims to mitigate these issues, eliminating errors in totaling marks and reducing instances of overlooked questions. The new system ensures accuracy and reduces the administrative burden on inter board officials and parents.

Establishment of Scanning Centers
In the past, each district had a District Re-Collection Distribution Center (DRDC) for answer sheet processing. With the new online system, Regional Reception Scanning Centers (RRSC) will replace DRDCs. Scanning centers are being established in Visakhapatnam, Rajamahendravaram, Guntur, Ongole, Tirupati, and Kurnool. For instance, the scanning center for Rajamahendravaram will be at the Government Junior College. Answer sheets will be sent to RRSC centers via speed post immediately after exams, and scanned answer sheets will be dispatched to designated examiners for online evaluation.

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Ensuring Transparency
Transparency is a key focus of the online evaluation system. Examiners will mark each question based on the student’s answers and will be required to check all questions, regardless of whether an answer is written. A final submission ensures that all questions are reviewed. The Chief Examiner (CE) and Inter Board officials will oversee the process to ensure thorough evaluations.

This new approach aims to streamline the evaluation process, enhance transparency, and improve the efficiency of result releases, benefiting both students and educators.

Published date : 29 May 2024 11:43AM

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