China Is Building World’s Largest Ghost Particle Detector,’Trident’
- China is embarking on a groundbreaking endeavor by constructing an immense telescope in the western Pacific Ocean. The primary mission of this massive facility is to detect elusive particles known as “ghost particles” or neutrinos. This ambitious undertaking will result in the world’s largest neutrino-detecting telescope.
- At present, the most extensive neutrino-detecting telescope is the “IceCube” at the University of Madison-Wisconsin, nestled deep in the Antarctic. It consists of sensors dispersed throughout a cubic kilometer of ice. However, China is taking this pursuit to an entirely new level with its forthcoming telescope, aptly named “Trident.”
- Set to be finished by 2030, TRIDENT, affectionately known as ‘Ocean Bell‘ or ‘Hai ling‘ in Chinese, will be situated at a depth of 11,500 feet (3,500 meters) beneath the Western Pacific Ocean’s surface.
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