Cabinet approves Central Sector Scheme “National Forensic Infrastructure Enhancement Scheme” (N.F.l.E.S.)

  • The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today approved  the proposal of Ministry of Home Affairs for Central Sector Scheme “National Forensic Infrastructure Enhancement Scheme (NFIES) with a total financial outlay of Rs. 2254.43 crore during the period from 2024-25 to 2028-29.  Financial outlay of the Central Sector Scheme will be provisioned by the Ministry of Home Affairs from its own budget.

The Cabinet has approved the following components under this Scheme:

i.        Establishment   of Campusesof  the National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) in the country.
ii.        Establishment of Central Forensic Science Laboratories in the country.
iii.        Enhancement of existing infrastructure of the Delhi Campus of the NFSU.

  • The Government of India is committed to put in place an effective and efficient criminal justice system, based on scientific and timely forensic examination of evidence. The scheme underscores the importance of high quality, trained forensic professionals in the timely and scientific examination of evidence for an efficient criminal justice process, leveraging the advancements in technology & evolving manifestations and methods of crime.
  • With the enactment of the New Criminal Laws which mandates forensic investigation for offences involving punishment of 7 years or more, a significant increase in the workload of forensic science laboratories is expected. Further, there is a significant shortage of trained forensic manpower in the Forensic Science Laboratories (FSL)  in the country.

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