India ranks 6th in South Asia region for Internet Resilience

India ranks 6th in South Asia region for Internet Resilience
  • India, a rapidly developing nation in the realm of technology and connectivity, has achieved an overall score of 43 percent in the Internet Resilience Index (IRI). This achievement positions India as the sixth-ranked country in the South Asian region.
  • The IRI, developed by the global non-profit organization Internet Society, provides a comprehensive assessment of a country’s internet ecosystem, taking into account factors such as security, performance, infrastructure, and market readiness.
  • While India’s commendable internet resilience is noteworthy, several neighboring countries have exceeded it in the IRI ranking. Within the South Asian region, countries like Bhutan (58 percent), Bangladesh (51 percent), Maldives (50 percent), Sri Lanka (47 percent), and Nepal (43 percent) have achieved higher positions. These rankings offer valuable insights into the region’s advancement and highlight areas where India has the potential to enhance its internet resilience.

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