25th July, 2024 Top 10 Current Affairs

Current Affairs


Indian Army Contingent Departs For Multinational Military Exercise Khaan Quest.

  • The Indian Army contingent departed for the Multinational Military Exercise KHAAN QUEST. The exercise is scheduled to be conducted from 27th July to 9th August 2024 at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The exercise will bring together military forces from around the world to collaborate and enhance their peacekeeping capabilities. Last edition of Exercise KHAAN QUEST was conducted in Mongolia from 19th June to 2nd July 2023.
  • The exercise first started as a bilateral event between USA and Mongolian Armed Forces in the year 2003. Subsequently, from the year 2006 onwards the exercise graduated to a Multinational Peacekeeping Exercise with current year being the 21st iteration.
  • The Indian Army contingent comprising 40 personnel is being represented mainly by troops from a Battalion of the MADRAS REGIMENT along with personnel from other Arms and Services. One Woman Officer and two Women Soldiers will also form part of the contingent.
  • Aim of Exercise KHAAN QUEST is to prepare Indian Armed Forces for peacekeeping missions while operating in a multinational environment, thereby increasing interoperability and military readiness in peace support operations under Chapter VII of United Nations Charter. The exercise will focus on high degree of physical fitness, joint planning and joint tactical drills.
  • Tactical drills to be practiced during the exercise will include establishment of Static and Mobile Check Points, Cordon and Search Operations, Patrolling, Evacuation of Civilians from Hostile Area, Counter Improvised Explosive Device drills, Combat First Aid and Casualty Evacuation, among others.
  • Exercise KHAAN QUEST will enable the participating countries to share their best practices in Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for conduct of joint operations. The exercise will facilitate developing inter-operability, bonhomie and camaraderie between soldiers of the participating countries.


Israeli Parliament Approves Bill to Label UNRWA as a Terror Organization

  • The Israeli Knesset has approved a bill to designate the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) as a terrorist organization. This move proposes severing relations with the agency, which Israel accuses of collaborating with Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza.
  • Türkiye’s foreign ministry has condemned the bill, arguing that it seeks to undermine Palestinian rights and is part of a broader strategy to attack the Palestinian identity. Türkiye has called on the international community to oppose the move.
  • The Palestine Red Crescent has reported that clinics in evacuated areas of Khan Younis are out of service due to ongoing conflict.


Environmental impact of the Great Nicobar Project

  • The Central Government vide letter dated 27.10.2022 has accorded the In-principle/Stage-1 approval for diversion of 130.75 Sq km forest land for sustainable development in Great Nicobar Island.
  •  Compensatory Afforestation is carried out in lieu of diverted forest land. Further, more than 50% i.e. 65.99 Sq km of the area proposed for diversion is reserved for green development where no tree felling is envisaged. It is expected that about 15% of development area would continue to remain as green and open spaces and therefore the number of trees likely to be affected is going to be less than 9.64 lakhs.
  • As per the conditions stipulated in the approvals accorded by the Central Government, adequate mitigation measures to compensate the impact of development on flora and fauna are part of the EC/FC conditions. The special conditions stipulated under the Environmental Clearance (EC) has provisions for preparation of Biodiversity Conservation / Management Plan for the Great Nicobar Island ecosystem with inputs from WII, ZSI, BSI and ICFRE.
  • The breeding grounds of leatherback turtles are in no way getting altered due to the project. The large nesting areas (Western flank) have been retained as such for nesting of leather backs. Research unit set up by Wildlife Institute of India (WII) to undertake and monitor sea turtle related research in A&N islands is an important component of the special conditions of EC.
  • The Coral Conservation Plan prepared by Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) addresses both the conservation strategies for coral colonies around Great Nicobar Island (GNI) as well as translocation strategies for impacted corals. Comprehensive studies and conservation measures for endemic Nicobar Megapod as prescribed by Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) and WII is also one of the conditions of EC. The A&N Forest Department has been entrusted with this responsibility of ensuring implementation of the conservation measures.


France Set To Host 2030 Winter Olympics.

  • The International Olympic Committee named the French Alps as the host for the 2030 Winter Games on July 24, though the decision is subject to certain conditions. While presenting the bid to IOC members in Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron assured the committee that the government formed after the 2024 Summer Games in Paris would handle all outstanding organisational and financial guarantees.
  • IOC members accepted his guarantees and voted their approval. The French bid, the IOC’s sole candidate with exclusive negotiating rights since November, centred on ski resorts in the French Alps and ice sports venues in the coastal city of Nice.
  • The IOC has set an October 1 deadline for the guarantees. According to IOC President Thomas Bach, the National Assembly elected this month must ratify the document by March 1, 2025


Rahaab Allana Honored with French Arts and Letters Insignia

  • Curator and author Rahaab Allana has been awarded the insignia of Officier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government. The prestigious honor recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to art, culture, and literature, or who have influenced the global arts landscape.
  • In 2022, Allana co-curated Terra Nullius: Nobody’s Land at the Serendipity Arts Festival in Goa, featuring French artists working with AI and ecology. His extensive work includes contributions to various international exhibitions, publications, and collaborations with renowned arts institutions like the Rencontres d’Arles and Musée du Quai Branly.
