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Saudi Arabia, Canada Reconcile After 2018 Conflict, Restore Full Diplomatic Relations

Saudi Arabia, Canada Reconcile After 2018 Conflict, Restore Full Diplomatic Relations
Saudi Arabia, Canada Reconcile After 2018 Conflict, Restore Full Diplomatic Relations
  • Saudi Arabia and Canada have reached an agreement to restore full diplomatic ties and appoint new ambassadors, bringing an end to a dispute from  2018.

  • The decision was made following discussions between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Bangkok in November of the previous year, as stated in a Saudi Foreign Ministry announcement. According to a Canadian government source, punitive trade measures will be lifted as part of this resolution.

  • Recognizing the importance of engaging with Saudi Arabia as a significant global player, the Canadian government emphasized that empty chairs and strained relations do not serve the interests of either country or promote human rights. The Saudi government has been instrumental in evacuating Canadians in Sudan and is actively involved in seeking a resolution to the conflict in that region.

  • As part of the restoration of ties, Canada will appoint Jean-Philippe Linteau as its new ambassador to Riyadh. The rift between the two countries began when Canada's embassy in Riyadh published a tweet in Arabic, calling for the immediate release of women's rights activists who were detained in Saudi Arabia.

  • At the time, Saudi Arabia considered this tweet a violation of its sovereignty, leading to the expulsion of Canada's ambassador, the recall of Saudi Arabia's ambassador from Ottawa, and the suspension of trade, flights, and scholarships between the two nations.

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Published date : 26 May 2023 05:53PM

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